Gauging First Reactions... "What the half-note!"
Grooveshark, although it may sounds like a shark who likes to groove to music, it is nothing of that sort. Once again, sorry for the disappointment folks. This W.M.D. has pretty much every song in the history of the world for your grubby little fingertips to grasp. Many people use it to find out if they like songs before the download them to put on their iPods.
Speaking of downloading, I find it only fair to address the issue of illegal music in this post. No, the music itself is not illegal, you downloading it for free is though. Please don't do it.(We all know what the B-I-B-L-E says about stealing.) Imagine yourself walking into a CD store, if there is such a thing, we'll go with a Borders. Now have your imaginary you walk down the aisles, picking off every CD on the aisle as you go, now watch everyone ELSE do it and walk out of the store, funny picture huh? Well, that's what you're doing when you use "LimeWire" or free music sites, it's baaad. Yes, I'm talking to you Jacob and Edward. Anyways, please don't steal from artists, you're killing their livelihood(<-awesome word).
Anyways, back to Grooveshark. Every time a song gets played the artists gets cha-ching, and you get a 0$ price sign on your listen, sounds good right?... This is when you say "right!"... Grooveshark, if you make an account, lets you create libraries and playlists, just like you do ITunes! Woozily!(That's what the auto correct for Woopie! was) No catch, besides ads and promo backgrounds, and you get tons of free music. If you're one of those people who doesn't have an iPod and they just listen to music on the computer, this is your heaven! If you hadn't heard of it yet, please comment and let me know that I benefited your life in some way. If you have, please explain to the world how awesome Grooveshark is. (I mean you Isaac. Cough.)
Those of you who don't know, I have a Grooveshark account called "Shinntypennty", and I also share a YouTube with my Brother Outlaw Grant called Shinntypennty. To conclude this blog post I will demonstrate how awesome hyperlinks are.
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