Just looked at Grooveshark and found out that my sister's band Reilly's album has been uploaded! Booyah. Here's the new one and the two older ones.
Around the World
Let June Decide
While I Was on Earth
Anyway, that's my sisters band, they have an interesting Christian Alternative Rock feel with duel violins. If you want find out more you can look at their website here. (/End plug)
Speaking of music, let's check up on Billboards.com! There are a bunch of new releases up and about including JB(Justin Beiber)'s new acoustic album of "My World". Yay. Check out this video if you know who JB is... Beiber Fever-Off the Pill "Beiber Blast Ha!"
Looking at the Christian charts it looks like "Light Up the Sky" by The Afters is No. 1. That makes me happy inside, seeing as I found them before they reached the top 10, which makes it even "beber", see what I did there?
I just found out Tobymac has a Christmas Single because of Billboards called "Christmas this Year", Shyea!
Check it here.
Moving to a different topic, just recently,(since this summer) I have been playing guitar.(Note here, if you play any instrument and you want to learn a new one on the side, try guitar.) It's been a neat learning experience pretty much self taught. One thing that has been challenging is changing from thinking in C to thinking in E. While trying to play guitar you have to be thinking like a guitar, you have to be guitar, you have to TASTE the guitar!
(Don't ask me what's wrong with that guy...)
Just kidding, don't lick your guitar, and it's extremely impolite in Ultimate Guitar Tab language. Speaking of Ultimate Guitar Tabs, it's a great source for both chords and tabs! Whether you want to quick grab some chords to a song or spend a longer amount of time on a specific tab, it's a great source to use for learning some music.
However, you may be confuzzled if you play a different instrument, so right here right now let me break down for you a little about how sheet music works versus tabs. In sheet music you have your treble clef and your base clef.
Treble clef "lines" that are on the staff are in the order "E(very)-
This helpful acronym should help the memorization process along.The spaces in between these lines go "F
I really shouldn't have to give you an acronym to help you remember that one.. YOUR FACE.
Altogether it looks like Dis.
However, now you gotta learn about base clef "lines" which go...
Don't ask me why I chose that acronym, I guess I'm a dog fighter at heart, seeing as how much I love M. Vick. For the Bass "Spaces" use this acronym:
Comes out So:
If you know anything about scales, you may notice it's basically walking up the keyboard. That's basic music theory right there, gratz on learning something from my blog, now leave before your head explodes.(I here debated on whether to put a picture in here, and decided eventually to do so..)
Ha, just kidding, though, there were some pretty ones with lots of red in the search. :D
What? I was supposed to explain how to read Guitar Tabs? Oh yeah.
Now that you know all the above, throw it in the trash and bury it until you need it for future use.
Here's a tab for Silent Night, though not exactly the most festive piece to play. What might confuse you a little a bit would be the fact the tab is not accurate if you held it up to your guitar. You have to think of the E at the top of the tab as the "High E" in terms of pitch not as in position. Each string is represented in terms of where it is in pitch. In this case they'll be having you pressing down the 4th string on the "2nd" fret, which is what is meant by the 2. If this isn't clear enough, here is a site with more instruction and directions on how to read tabs.
That's pretty much all I've got to say for now. Love all of you, especially all of you. :) (Matthew 5)
"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
New daily post 5 Song Tidbit:
To See You Leave by After Edmund
Oh! Gravity by Switchfoot
Animal by Neon Trees
Beautiful Ending by Barlow Girl
Say(All I Need) by One Republic