Saturday, December 4, 2010

My B-Day Dec. 3

Yes, you got that right, yesterday was my b-day! That gives me an excuse for not writing blog post... as to the other two days, I just really didn't have any time. Sorry, I'll do my best to keep up from now on. Anyways, if you read the title of this post (which some people don't) you'll see that my birthday just happened, woot!
We played a sick game of laser tag, which I'll you know I got MVP in. (Note: in the picture below they should be shooting each other because they are all on different teams, just sayin'.)     ↓(That's me.)

We then played some b-ball in which I can confidently destroyed in (my friends and I).

Anyways, I am now in olderness and thought it only appropriate we start this MUSIC blog post with some birthday music..
The Beatles:
Alvin and the Chipmunks:

Yeah, I think birthday music gets old fast too. Today, I would like to share with you about what I think about classical music. This means that half, or more, of you are groaning and the other half are fist pumping. Well, for all you musicians who hate it, I'm not the biggest of classical fans either. However, classical music is valuable to us in so many ways. I write more pop, rock, acoustic whatever songs, so it doesn't seem like it would apply to me, but it does! Classical music has used ever single melody you can ever think of somehow at some point. It is rich in orchestration, and holds secrets that you can't even imagine. A lot of times, classical music tends to be based upon scales. I can tell you now, I wish I knew the secrets of scales much earlier. When playing improv, or playing period, the ability to change the fingering on a piano is highly invaluable. WAKE UP! I know there are a bunch of you who have fallen asleep by now, especially at the mention of the word "Piano", and there are three reasons I choose the piano as my example.
1. The piano is AWESOME. (That one is a bit biased)
2. The piano is the instrument I play.
3. The piano is based in C and is the center of music!
Let me explain that last one a little further, when I mean, the center of music, I mean it based in the most logical and simplistic of all keys, C. I can't tell you how many times I've wished the guitar worked the same way. However, for the sake of saving the snotty, uppity guitar players, scales are just as important. Building chords is all about what strings you play, and so, knowing how the frets work, and moving up and down with chords are the most full proof way of building those chords usually! Score one more for classical music.

However, there is something lacking in classical music these days, the reflection of todays society. Part of the reason that we dislike classical music as a younger generation is because of it's distance from ourselves. We love songs like Bittersweet Symphony by the Verve. Listen to it! Classical orchestration in many ways. This is modern classical music. The sound of "classical music" will be forced to change in some ways, but that doesn't mean we let it die off completely. This band was a one hit wonder, for the simple reason that they re-incorporated that sound into their song, while maintaining some of the sounds of today's culture. The value of classical music doesn't end their though, try listening to some classical music, I personally love Bach's fugue in g minor. Here's two versions, one more traditional and one more modern! So people people like one, some people like the other, I gotta say, I love both! Check it out.
Bach's Fugue in G Minor Traditional on the Organ
Bach's Fugue in G Minor Modern on Electric Guitar with drums

These videos are both super freaky incredible, and I love both. This should strike you all as a reminder, don't eat fish on Wednesdays. Oh wait, wrong phrase. My bad. This should strike you all as a reminder of what can be done when a traditional piece is orchestrated with modern culture's instruments. I love it, you love it, we all love it. Let's get groovy, go write yourself some classical/modern music and post it up here for all to hear. Also, in case you hadn't noticed Grooveshark got a makeover.

We'll end with some GREAT ORCHESTRATION, my sister's band Reilly preforming Too Long Without You.

Thanks and don't get hit by a car.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Music... What comes next?... BILLBOARDS OBVIOUSLY!

I would like you all to know that I am a terrible blogger. This is only my third blog post and I am out of ideas. Go figure. Anyways, today I'm gonna go music hunting. Recently I've been searching up new releases as they come up, which is something I've never done before. I've been looking at the charts, figuring out what music I like, and what music is hitting the top.

Yo Hippity Hop. (Note to Self: Do not fight the Energizer Bunny, he has marshmallow mallets and unlimited energy. He's like Mario, on candy.)

While searching on my magical quest of adventure unicorns(beware, not all magical unicorns are nice, some steal kidneys, choose your friends wisely.), I found this magical site of wonder and enjoyment.
Billboards is a Spanish music festival, beware the salsa, and then some. It's completely up to date with album releases, music charting, and the latest and greatest music news. If you look at Billboard's site, on the right you'll see the buzz, here's Billboard's top ten today.

s for the top 10, this is what we have for today:

  • 4
  • 7
  • 2

Raise Your Glass


Greatest Hits...So Far!!!
The first you probably wonder when looking at this list is where is number nine? Well, let's just say number nine was inappropriate in the TITLE(none of the pictures were explicit, but better safe then sorry). Which brings me to my NEXT point, which is, I am not encouraging you to listen to this music. Most of it is filled with cursing or is in appropriate in one way or another. However, I know that one of my favorites right now is Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars. Not all these songs are bad,(trying not offend) and I really enjoy the musical quality of some of them. However, this is Billboards'(s) top ten, not mine. Don't like them? Make your own and comment it on here.

However, say you want something more specific, and are begging me, "Mr. DJ Ultimate, is there anyway we can get a more narrow selection?" Well, lucky for you, there just happens to be a way to do just that. Now excuse me as I scroll around the site desperately trying to remember how I found it. Oh, here it is. From the main site click on charts, then click all charts in the bottom right hand corner so that you end up here. However, for me personally, being a Christian, I like Christian music so I'll usually end up here. Look, whadaya know, there's my Christian top ten! Now these are some artists I don't have to worry about listening to without a nagging voice saying, "You shouldn't be listening to that. Can I have a cookie?" Instead of guilt, all I feel is happiness, and give the little voice inside my head the cookie that he so desires from his heart. Here's the Christian top 10, stay tuned for mine.

  • 4
  • 22
  • 3

Jeremy Camp

Jesus Saves

Jeremy Camp

We Cry Out: The Worship Project
  • 5
  • 11
  • 5
Brandon Heath

Your Love

Brandon Heath

  • 3
  • 32
  • 1

Sanctus Real

Lead Me

Sanctus Real

Pieces of a Real Heart
  • 7
  • 17
  • 6
Matthew West

My Own Little World

Matthew West

  • 8
  • 14
  • 7

Chris Tomlin

I Will Follow

Chris Tomlin

And If Our God is For Us...
  • 9
  • 10
  • 9




The Generous Mr. Lovewell
  • 10
  • 38
  • 1

Chris Tomlin

Our God

Chris Tomlin

Passion: Awakening

The only thing explicit about this top ten is Chris Tomlin's face. Anyway, now you know how to find top ten by genre, if you look back at that page you will also notice Billboards does top ten albums too. Woohoo!

Alright, moving on, I still have to hit one more topic. Blogging is such a drag.

(That guy knows how to drag race!)

Topic #2ish: New Releases! Hey that's what I told you in the beginning anyway isn't it! Yes, yes it is. Don't argue with me Jeremy! You can get to new releases by click the reviews button on Billboards'(s) front page, or basically any of their other pages. Oooh, new albums! I expect to a prettty amazing smile on your face, like creepy almost. I have a great story about a freaky face I will tell you about at the end. Right now we have a new album by the Black Eyed Peas-The Beginning which is bound to be filled with cursing and therefore not worth my time in listening. However, you may feel differently. I know that when the Tobymac album Tonight was released, I found out about it a couple days after because of billboards. That was before I even really knew about it. I checked out M(y)C(hemical)R(omance)'s new album Danger Days(blahblahkilljoyblah) and it was pretty good. A bunch of their songs had cursing, but not all of them. There are three songs that I like in particular starting with Sing, followed by Summertime, and ending with The Only Hope For You Is Me. The best of these in my opinion is Sing.Wait, did I already link you to that song? (rapidly checks past posts.) Nope. That's a relief. Anyways, you understand the use of the billboards now, I check back every once in a while to find new news.(ha, new news) Well, there's probably more to this site, but I've exhausted my store of wizarding knowledge. Accio Storytime!

So, when I was younger, I had this fear of scary things. Okay, I STILL have this fear of scary things. However, when I was younger my older brother decided he wanted to freak me out. This is what he did, he took a camera, freezed the scary scene of Bilbo making that freaky face of Bilbo spazing on Frodo, then put as our desktop background on our computer. First time I logged in, I got scared out of my wits, however, for some reason I wasn't smart enough to CHANGE it. So every time I logged in, it pulverized my stomach. Here is this disturbing image from my childhood.

My Dad also had one of those pop-up videos, it freaked me out so much I ran outside and hid in the car. Mm.. and another one that screamed after staring for a cat, I fell off the rainbow road in Mario Cart because of it.(Thanks alot Luke) Yeah, DJ Ultimate, not such a big horror fan. Not giving the link to either. Well, that about wraps up my post for today. If you are wondering what this last piece has to do with music. I have no clue, be creative.

Don't forget to post your top ten for me, I might make a collection and post it!