Saturday, November 27, 2010

The End of Thanksgiving and the Beginning of Christmas Music

Well, if you read the title, you pretty much understand the whole context of this blog post. Yes, Thanksgiving ended just two days ago,(I had mine yesterday) and with the end of Thanksgiving radio stations feel the freedom to run wild with Christmas music, okay so maybe that's just a bit of an exageration... Anyway, congratz, you now get to listen to the same music, everywhere, all the time. Oh-de-joy. However, never fear, DJ Ultimate is here to save you!

Okay, so I can't end all Christmas music even if I wanted to. What I CAN do is throw you a few tips to help you survive the Christmas music season. Here we go:
1. Don't listen to it more than you have to.
I know, that sounds ridiculous and obvious, or even outrageous to some people, but you can do it! Trust me, you will hear enough of it, whether at the grocery store, or at a friend's house, or basically anywhere. Instead of putting the radio on the Christmas station, put it on a station that doesn't play music that is Christmas.
2. Listen to what you want to.
Important: HALF OF CHRISTMAS MUSIC IS BADLY PRODUCED POP. Good, now that we have that out of the way, we discuss the possibilities of Christmas Music. This leaves another half of the music to be good, or at least un-annoying. I know I like me some Bin Crosby and Amy Grant sometimes. I even find some Christmas music that isn't even as well. (Shake Up Christmas by Train) Great! Listen to it! Now, when Dominic(k)? the Donkey decides to come to town with Santa Baby on a Hippopotamus(I could find no picture) I would like to hear your desperate screaming from here. "SOMEBODY CHANGE THE STATION!!!" Anyway, choose your Christmas music, just because you turned it on doesn't mean you can't turn it off.
3. Lastly, Don't forget to eat popcorn or some Christmas food, applesauce for instance.
You may or may not have noticed those have nothing to do with Christmas, but my meaning beyond the delicious snacks is this. Enjoy it! This music only really comes once a year, even if for a prolonged period of time. Get into the spirit of Christmas, rejoice in gift-giving and the praising of the savior's birth! If you are trying to enjoy the Christmas season, you are 100% more likely to enjoy it. Don't mope, or we'll give you a dunce cap and make you sit in the corner, where you will forced to read my blog! Mwahahaha! Huh? Oh yeah, well that's about everything. Unless you are one of my gnomes working on my blog, in which case you should get back to work.

Happy Thanksgiving and an anticipatory Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Here is some Christmas music that is NOT badly produced pop! The Christmas Can-Can:
